Why Sustainable Technology Is Vital to ESG Strategies

Climate change concerns have fueled political rhetoric for decades in the United States. However, more recently that concern has translated into public policy, including the 2022 decision by the U.S. Congress to include $369 billion in climate and clean energy investments in the Inflation Reduction Act. It’s considered the most comprehensive climate change legislation in the country’s history.

While that bill is certainly a landmark, many private businesses and non-profit organizations have acted ahead of government mandates and initiatives when it comes to environmental issues. That’s an important distinction because decisions that drive long-range change in the U.S. often come from board rooms, not Capitol Hill.

One of the key efforts among these organizations has been the focus on the creation and use of sustainable technology. That includes industries that may come as a surprise. For example, a recent survey from EY Global found that 82% of chemical companies currently place as much emphasis on ESG and sustainability as they do on revenue growth.

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