White House Announces ‘National Month of Action’ To Promote COVID-19 Vaccinations; Partners With Black-Owned Barbershops To Reach Minority Communities

With just over 63% of the country nationwide at least partially vaccinated against COVID-19, President Biden has stepped up efforts to push that number over 70% before the end of the month. 

Tyler Pager, Lena H. Sun and John Wagner of The Washington Post reported that by declaring June a “national month of action,” the Biden administration “wants to incentivize Americans who are hesitant about getting vaccinated with a range of perks.”

According to the Washington Post, “the White House also announced the launch of a handful of community-based outreach initiatives, including blanketing local media, providing colleges with resources and launching an effort to recruit 1,000 Black-owned barbershops and beauty salons across the country.”

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