Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Becomes Third Black Member of Congress Arrested for Protesting Republican Anti-Voting Restrictions

Last month, we reported on Rep. Joyce Beatty, chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, being arrested during a peaceful protest for voting rights reform. A few days later, Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia was arrested in a similar protest. And now, less than two weeks after that, a third Black lawmaker has again been arrested for protesting voter restriction laws and protecting voting rights for people of color.

The Guardian’s Maanvi Singh has reported that “Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democratic representative of Texas, was arrested in Washington D.C. on Thursday (July 29) while protesting lawmakers’ delay in passing legislation to protect voting rights, becoming the third member of the Congressional Black Caucus to be arrested for civil disobedience in recent weeks.”

Official police records show that Jackson Lee was arrested and detained while participating in a peaceful voting rights demonstration in front of the Hart Senate office building.

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