Department of Justice To Launch New Investigation Into Police Department Responsible for Breonna Taylor’s Murder

Following an announcement last week that they would be investigating the possibly racist and discriminatory actions of the Minneapolis Police Department following the murder of George Floyd at the hands of Derek Chauvin, the Department of Justice and Attorney General Merrick Garland have ramped up their efforts at curbing police violence and promoting police reform. Now, the DOJ has announced that it will also be investigating the Louisville Police Department for similarly inappropriate and potentially criminal activities.

The Louisville Metro Police Department came under fire last year for its role in the death of Breonna Taylor, who was killed in her home following a no-knock police raid on her apartment.

In an announcement of the new probe from DOJ headquarters, Garland said that the “investigations, and the recommendations and actions that ensue, do not only protect individual civil rights. They also assist police departments in developing measures to increase transparency and accountability.”

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