Congress Passes Measure To Make Pulse Nightclub, Where 49 Were Killed in Horrific Domestic Terrorism Attack, a National Memorial

Just days shy of the fifth anniversary of the tragic Pulse nightclub shooting massacre in Orlando, Florida, Congress has passed a measure to officially commemorate the site of the domestic terrorism attack against LGBTQ folks as a national memorial.

Dan Avery of NBC News reported that the U.S. Senate passed the legislation unanimously. Since the House already approved their version on May 12, the measure will now go before President Biden for final approval. Although his approval is all but guaranteed, it’s unclear when it will come since he is now on an international trip meeting with leaders for the G7 summit.

According to Avery, “Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., introduced the Senate bill. Scott was governor at the time of the massacre, which saw 49 clubgoers killed and dozens more wounded before the shooter, Omar Mateen, was killed in a shootout with law enforcement after a three-hour siege.”

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