U.S. Headquarters
Fort Worth, TX
Medical Devices
U.S. Employees
David J. Endicott

“Our diverse talent from around the world innovates sight-saving and sight-restoring products that change lives. Our core business is product innovation, and we believe that more inclusive ideation creates better products for more people.”

Kristen Weirick
Vice President, Global Talent Acquisition and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer

“I’m inspired by the commitment and engagement of our leadership team and our associates to create a culture of true inclusion across Alcon, and I’m exceptionally proud of the progress we’ve made to achieve this important recognition. We achieve our mission to help the world see brilliantly when we see each other brilliantly.”

From the Company

In late 2023, Alcon completed our enterprise diversity and inclusion (D&I) maturity assessment. Based on the results, our D&I strategy will foster a culture of inclusion, grow our talent and strengthen impactful connections. We will put additional focus on enhancing D&I communications, integrated learning and development and expanding the reach and engagement of our employee resource groups (ERGs), which are supported by Executive Leaders (ELT) as sponsors.

Efforts to advance D&I start with our Executive D&I Council and extend across our entire ELT. Areas of focus and highlights include:

  • Increasing our representation of women in management. Global dashboards highlighting hiring, promotions and attrition are provided to the ELT to track and monitor progress.
  • ELT D&I Action Plans focus on functional D&I dashboard priority areas and include tactics to improve attraction, development, engagement and retention of diverse talent.
  • Our ERGs are executive-sponsored by our ELT members.
  • In 2023, we launched our new Abilities ERG focused on associates with physical or neurological differences or who are caretakers of children or family members with disabilities. Membership is rapidly growing, with new chapters developing across the enterprise.
  • We launched our Innovate Boldly diversity externship, which hosts diverse college students for four days of R&D-based professional development and opportunities for a 2024 summer internship.
  • Continually improve associate engagement survey results related to diversity and inclusion, including a review of results aligned with different associate demographics.
  • Skilling and equipping all associates with inclusion training via Elevate Brilliantly and the Inclusive Leadership Journey.
  • Engaging more than 6,000 associates across 65 countries – including line workers – in local D&I Days to advance their understanding of D&I and conscious inclusion.


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