Ann Arbor, Michigan, Becomes First City in the US To Require Free Menstrual Products in All Public Restrooms

In an effort to preserve what the city calls one of the basic tenets of human necessity, the city council in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has voted to require all public bathrooms within the city to provide a free supply of menstrual products to anyone who needs them. It’s the first-ever move by a major city in U.S. history.

CNN’s Alex Harring and Mirna Alsharif reported that “the city council unanimously voted to pass an ordinance requiring all public restrooms in the 120,000-resident college community — including those located inside businesses — to offer pads and tampons for free, as well as toilet paper and soap.”

According to Harring and Alsharif, “violations of the ordinance, which will go into effect Jan. 1, 2022, will result in a $100 fine.”

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